Posted by: fvbcdm | November 24, 2023

Commemoration of Blessed Miguel Pro (23 November 2023)

Our national celebration of Thanksgiving is unique in all the world, as far as I know.  I’m not aware of any other country that has a Thanksgiving Day.  It is to the credit of the American people that we have celebrated it and preserved it during the entire history of our nation.  I’m surprised that the ACLU or some similar organization has not tried to get rid of it, since it is essentially religious.  If you are going to give thanks, then to whom are you going to give thanks?  By its very nature, Thanksgiving requires someone to thank, and, of course, that someone is God.

So even though the non-religious people in our country make a baked turkey, rather than the Almighty God, the center of their Thanksgiving observance, Thanksgiving is a religious celebration, and we, who do believe in God and do wish to express our gratitude to Him for all that He does for us, can make of this national holiday a uniquely reverent and devout celebration.

Let us remember our miliary personnel as we celebrate Thanksgiving this year.  I have some idea how they feel.  I have celebrated the Fourth of July a number of times outside the United States, and once, I celebrated Thanksgiving in Rome.  It wasn’t the same as being at home with family and friends in the heart of our own nation which is observing the day together as a people.  This year our military forces are deployed in many countries throughout the world.  Thanksgiving will remind them of home, families, and their past lives as few other things can do.  Let us pray for them that this will be the last time they must be away from their homes and families because of world hostilities and let us pray for the Peace of Christ throughout this world, where so many misguided people find war so easy and peace so difficult. Thank you for seeking God’s truth. God bless you. Father Victor Brown, O.P.

Note:  Father Brown composed this message some years ago. Please pray for the souls of the faithful departed, including Father Brown.

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